If you need to disable System Update scheduled updates on a single machine, you can easily do this manually. Open System Update and then click Schedule updates under the “Advanced” section. Uncheck the box “Enable monthly check for updates”. Congratulations! Your box-unchecking skills are impeccable.

If you need to modify a machine remotely or disable updates on a large number of machines, you’ll probably want to disable scheduled updates in the registry.

To disable/enable automatic updating, locate the following registry key:

64-bit Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Lenovo\System Update\Preferences\UserSettings\Scheduler

32-bit Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lenovo\System Update\Preferences\UserSettings\Scheduler

Change value “SchedulerAbility” to NO

You are now free from Lenovo’s oppressive updating tyranny.

Enabling Scheduled Updates

If you want to enable Scheduled updates, there are a few more things you’ll need to change. The settings are in the same key listed above.

These are the available values and options:

  • Frequency: WEEKLY or MONTHLY
  • RunAt: Any number from 0 to 23. You can also format the time as HH:MM:SS
  • RunOn: If you chose MONTHLY, the values are 1 to 28. For WEEKLY use SUNDAY, MONDAY, etc.
  • SchedulerAbility: YES to enable automatic updating
  • SchedulerLock: SHOW, HIDE, DISABLE or LOCK

By now you’re probably realizing that you just can’t get enough of this System Update stuff! If you want to learn more about what each of these values mean, refer to the official System Update Deployment Guide. The good stuff starts on page 23. Trust me, you’ll want to get some popcorn.



  1. Jack


    I recently bought a lenovo Ideapad 100s and its always updating and this is killing me on Data expenditure .


    Hi, yeah this is happening to me! Im actually sitting here now while its updating ( started about 3hrs ago now!) Im supposed to finish off a menu plan for the morning!!!! Any Ideas please

  3. Steve

    I purchase quite a lot of Lenovo products to deploy at work. I always go through their machines with a fine tooth comb before I release. Lenovo makes some great machines, but their bloatware and added software is really a pain in the rear. I uninstall all Lenovo products, delete all scheduled tasks, and remove all registry values for their software.

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